Lights Out!

Feb 03, 2009 22:37

Last night, Blair-Shannon lost power. I was sitting on my bed watching tv and all of the sudden everything shut off. We were all pretty scared. We went and asked the RA what happened and tried to find out what was going on. My suitemates were studying by flashlight. Then Lauren got a bloody nose and was bleeding all over. I decided to watch Pineapple Express on my Ipod. I was bored. I didn't have any homework. Tasha and Cate and Michelle went to a friends and Lauren went to stay with maggie in Freddy since they still had power. Jessie, Keely and I stayed in the dorm.

I'm glad the power went out and i didn't have class at 8am because i wouldn't have woken up. I got up at like 1130 to get ready for class. We still didnt have power.

So i went to class and as soon as i walked in, I realized that we had a take home quiz to turn in. With the events the night before, i had totally forgot. My day was off to a great start. I came back to the room after class and jessie said she heard we wouldnt have power for a couple days due to a pipe bursting near a transformer. Luckily the information was wrong. BS is running on a generator right now.

Oh! In PLS we learned about how Fox spins their news to favor republicans. And I'm not a fan of bill o'reilly. Not that i was before. I just saw this interview he did with a guy who lost his father on 9/11 and he was attacking him. It was ridiculous. The class just opened my eyes to what newscasters do and how they put spin on things to sway the audience.

Have to go shower and get some sleep for 8am class.

Love You!
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