(no subject)

Feb 15, 2007 20:01

Lol, not content with posting ONE obscure fic this week, I bring something incredibly strange for your eyes! Er, new fandom for me (writing-wise), written on a whim, very short. Comments would be good please? I promise that soon I genuinely will write about meeting Matt Berry, which I know you're all more interested in, anyway.

Title: Fascination
Fandom: Life on Mars
Pairing: Sam Tyler/Tony Crane (if you squint)
Summary: Crane reflects, from his new home, on the man who brought him there.
A/N: I really can't explain this. Blame 
gayjunglefever kthxbye. Spoilers for 2.1.

There was something strange about him from the start, something unnerving that you just couldn’t put your finger on. Originally, you thought that perhaps it was because he knew your name without having to be told, because he kept insisting that you would do this and you would be that. That you would know each other. A threat, maybe, or a promise. You couldn’t be sure.

He saw through everything you said right from the start which, obviously, you hated him for, but there was something about his easy intensity that you couldn’t help admiring. You saw something in him that was stupidly familiar, couldn’t help thinking that maybe you were alike. Did that mean that you had something in common with a copper, or he had something in common with a criminal? Who knew. (Not that you think of yourself as a criminal, naturally - you’re merely an oppurtunist.)

And, wow, he really had it in for you - you seemed to spend half your time wondering exactly what you’d done to piss him off so badly, and the other half hoping that you wouldn’t have to kill him. It just seemed a curious shame to rub out something so unusual. Not that you wouldn’t, of course, if you had to. If he made you.

It was crushingly disappointing to realise that spark was insanity, and you told them to throw him off the roof, because it was an ugly death. If you stab someone, shoot them or poison them, it’s not always easy to tell that they’re dead; sometimes they look like they’re sleeping. But if someone falls 30ft onto their face? Well, it gets a little easier.

You wanted to destroy that pretty smile; the pretty smile you never, ever got. But, when push came to shove, it just wasn’t that easy.

You’d been in the institution a month or two before he came to visit you, and for the first time in so long you felt alive. With hatred, yes, with a passionate need to destroy, but at least it was something. You wanted to tear into him, rip him like paper, but you couldn’t move your arms and he just sat there. Looked at you.

You wondered if he felt guilty that you were in his rightful place, had his spot in the loony bin, but if he was he never said anything.

“Why did you come, Tyler?” Never any response, but it didn’t stop you asking. “What do you want?”

You were wasting your time - there’s no understanding the reasoning of a madman, and that’s all he is. A madman. He never talks to you but, still, he keeps on turning up. Your only visitor, the copper who sent you down, and it makes you want to scream.

Bring me fucking sunshine.


life on mars, fic

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