Oct 27, 2003 15:32
It's official, I'm attached to those kids already and it's just the second day. ^_^. For starters to bring everyone up to speed, this was the second day of my Studen Practicum where i'll pretty soon be teaching to a class of third graders. I'm slowly getting to know them, today wasn't bad, as i was there for seven hours and time flew by so fast it was crazy. I just was enjoying every minute of it and forgot about time. Next thing i know it's lunch time, then soon after that, time to go. I helped them out a bunch with their class work and we all acted as if we were pouring eeeevil halloween ingredients into a cualudron that they had to drink a scary drink. It was a mix of Snake Venom (Mountain dew), Vampire blood (Fruit punch) and somethin else that was all fizzy. it was funny, kids got a kick outta me waving my hand around saying, "Ewwwwwwwwwww!!"
Yeh just too funny. During snack time, this one boy named Christopher always offers me a piece of candy, lol. Today was a hershey kiss, last time was a cheese cracker thingie. Then a lot of them all run over and scoot as close as possible to me during reading time since i sit on the floor indian style like they do, lol. Just an amazing day, wish i could go tomorrow rather than to classes all day =/. In fact i'd trade that in and go there instead of work any day, now aint that somethin!
Oooh and i'm getting Final Fantasy XI. Yup! Magus and my one friend Jamie are to blame. *glares at them* He talked about it to me and i wasn't sure then Jamie told me about yesterday on the phone and next thing i know i was sold to the idea, so Lo and behold i'll be having a new online game to play ^_^. However, lotta school work this weeek so gotta wait till this weekend to get into it.
I worked on Final Destiny some, chapter 10 is almost done. It's all scary, action packed. Kinda one sided battle going on in it, but their fighting against a God of darkness so what the hell do ya expect? lol. Anyhoo, I'm gonna get going now, as I wanna take a quick rest before i head off to Hell...err M&T. >_> So talk later!!