Aug 02, 2014 08:19
So yesterday I was really missing my grandparents. My Aunt, who I'm pretty sure is legit crazy, and I got into because I'm stupid and continue to engage in crazy. Seriously, I keep trying to fix crazy and I need to stop. It's stupid. There's a sign up in my office at school that says you can't fix crazy. Tis true and I don't know why I do. My husband says it's because family is important to me and it's what my grandparents would want... He could be right. Or, I might just be a glutton for punishment.
Anyway, last night I had the most crazy, vivid dream! As soon as I fell asleep, my phone was ringing. When I looked at who it was, it said "Nana/Papa". I said out loud that my phone is crap and broken. I answered it and a Face-time like video and my Papa's voice answered. I was so freaked out I dropped the phone and yelled, "What the Fuck!?". My mother-in-law was standing next to me and she picked up my little purple phone and answered it and then leaned over and says, "Umm, your grandfather wants to talk to you." I could feel my heart racing! It was crazy. His voice was a little more guttural, maybe gravel-y is a better term but was him. I started talking to him but his words kept cutting out and when I asked him if the connection was bad he grumbled yes. I could hear him best with yes or no's, that was how we chatted for the past couple years anyway, so I just talked with him. It was not long and don't remember all the questions/conversation.
I had no idea it was a dream until I asked him if he had seen E's haircut, (we gave him a baby Mohawk yesterday), he said yes. So I asked him if he liked it. Then my husband was coming to bed and as soon as I realized I was dreaming, he was gone and very shortly after that I woke up.
Later on I was dreaming fireworks were going off and my husband said that was real... I'm one of those people who doesn't believe in ghosts, but I want to. In short, I can't help but wonder if it was him. (I know it was not, ps).