The Month of March

Apr 14, 2012 18:50

The other day I realized it has been quite a while since I have updated awesome saying via my students.

Yesterday we were playing a trivia game and one of the questions was "Who is pictured on the dollar bill?". Very quickly one of my students blurts out George. I got very excited and requested a last name.
Kody: "George Clooney!"
Clooney's going to be very excited when he sees his face on the dollar bill!

Joaquin: "Can I ask you a question? Are there really little people in our heads?"
Me: "Huh? What do you mean, like people filling and getting papers?"
Joaquin: "Yeah."
Me: "Umm, no. That's a metaphor."
Joaquin: "Oh good. I was wondering how they got people to be that small and how you got that job."

Let me set this one up. I walk into the room where I have plan and a class is going on. Ricky was being particularity rude and his teacher was telling him to behave or she's take away his money, which is part of token economy they use in the room. Ricky had this to say to her: "You can't take my money! I'm a good hider. You'll never find. It's hidden away under my book right here, so you don't even know where it is."

Earlier in the month, I also had this conversation with Ricky in the front office in the morning:
Me: "Slick Rick! What's up?!"
Ricky: [hides hands] "Nothing."
Me: "Did you have Takis for breakfast?"
Ricky: "No." [Tucks hands in shirt]
Me: "Hot Cheetos then?"
Ricky: "Nooooo...." {Begins worming around trying to hide hands differently]
Me: "Then why are your hands covered in Cheeto dust?"
Ricky: [Very seriously] "It's not. I killed someone this morning. [Begins backing away slowly]
... He cracks me up. All mI can figure is he killed the Cheeto guy.
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