Big Ol' Batch!

Feb 25, 2005 03:21

1: Sharing is Manditory.
2: I'm very lenient and realistic in regard to credit. If you care to, please refer to "missy" "new_wheel_icons" or "one_more_cherry" in the icon info.
4: All images were obtained through unless otherwise noted. Some bases by badwickedzoot, lily_mars, and gemini_1985. ALL of the bases on the Happy Days Reunion Special were capped for me as a birthday present by Dischordia. if you use those, CREDIT US BOTH.
5: Fonts are from
6: I do not take requests.
7: Please do not alter icons, beyond plain bases that are here.
8: Example below!

This Post Contains:

Fifty (50) Various Laverne and Shirley-themed icons

Five (5) Lenny Kosnowski Icons

a Twenty-Two (22)-icon L/L songset using Cyndi Lauper's "Change of Heart"


Six (6) Happy Days Reunion Icons

NOTE!!: There are FIVE icons that are not included here, which ARE a part of the batch that went to my journal, due to some mildly risque' content. If you wish to see those icons, comment in the first post of my icon journal and I will add you!

Random LAS Icons:

Lenny Icons

Lavenny Songset

Reunion Show Icons

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