Jun 03, 2012 21:27
十二点多到达NYC,直奔Edison Hotel check-in。然后跑到Barrymore Theater的Boxing office问能不能给我一本playbill,结果那个工作人员很cruel的直接说不行=。=我就很郁闷的走掉了,一边走一边纠结:等等加菲签名签在神马上面啊orz。实在不行就签在我script的封面上吧orz...
我自己买的票是晚上八点,closing night的表演。但是今天下午两点还有一场表演,4点45散场。我就准备那时候去蹲点,先要个签名再说>”<于是吃完午饭,3点50我就回到了Barrymore Theater。Stage door两旁的银色栏杆已经摆出来了,不过只有一个保安站在中间,没有任何其他人。我很怕那个保安不让我排队,就磨磨蹭蹭的走过去,用我最最最无辜的bambi eyes问他,Can I wait here for Andrew to come out?他说,You’re gonna have to wait a while but it’s okay。>”<我就想,再试一把,然后又问,Do you know where I can get a playbill?保安蜀黍愣了一秒,然后说,wait a minute;转身进了剧院,过了一会出来给了我一本崭新的playbill。。。超级开心>”< 于是抱着我的playbill和sharpie,还有DOAS的script,站在街道上开始了漫长的等待。。。
在等的一个小时的过程里,大概看完了DOAS的Act One。个人觉得文字非常犀利+成熟,而且易懂。半本书很快就翻完了。
第二个出来的是金发男,演Bernard。他穿了一件粉色衬衫,真的,很帅。。。我忍住没让他给我签名(我想让playbill上只有加菲一个人的字>”<)结果下午他在我面前走来走去,起码看见他五六次。。。晚上还是没忍住让他在我第二本Playbill上签了字,他还给我的时候我说谢谢,然后他突然抬起头来直视着我的眼睛说Thank you。。。他眼睛好蓝好蓝啊。。。荡漾>”<
第三个出来的貌似是演Happy的Finn,我觉得他蛮帅的,有点Bad boy的感觉。但是依然……木有兴趣……
在焦虑着等待了二十分钟之后(期间听到人群中各种关于加菲的讨论),保安突然出来说,Sorry guys, none of the actors are gonna come out to sign。然后就开始收栏杆。我当时整个人都=口口口口口口=了。神马?我等了一个半小时你居然告诉我他不出来了?=口口口=。所有人都很失望的叹气>”<但是大家很快都散了>”<我心想我已经等了一个多小时了,还不如一直在这里等到8点,说不定加菲会回来捏=w=
只有四五个人还留了下来。我跟她们随意的聊着天,心想这不知道要等多久,难道上帝今天真的不希望我见到加菲?正无所事事的靠着stage door上站着,突然听到门开的声音,我以为又是哪个staff,结果一回头,加菲的脸离我差不多20cm。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
当时那一瞬间真心傻了=。=心里不停的狂喊holy shit holy shit holy shit what should I do。(我怀疑我可能尖叫了一声andrew...但=口=)身边几个人瞬间围上来了,不过加菲离我最近啊>”<立刻拔出笔问他能不能sign一下我的playbill>”<他立刻就答应了>”<然后他在sign的期间我貌似ramble了很久。。。但是现在完全不知道我说了啥。。。感觉应该是类似you are absolutely awesome I love you I’m a huge fan之类的脑残告白=。=因为他一直在说thank you orz。。。当时不知道被什么刺激了,直接问了他Can you take a photo with me?本来以为他一定会拒绝的,结果还是被一口答应了。。。(拍照的时候他很迷茫的找不到哪个是我的镜头orz)
签了一圈之后,加菲准备take off了。他手里握着一只fans的sharpie,然后Andrew just turned to me and asked: do you know whom the sharpie belongs to? He said it with his completely adorable little frown. I really had no clue who the hell owns the sharpie, so I was like “hmmm I’m not sure, but I can hold it for you?” Andrew relieved a bit and handed the pen to me and said, “thank you so much that’s so nice...” I didn’t even know what was I thinking. To be honest it can’t even be counted as a “dialogue”...but NC fan is always NC fan....
Andrew is so skinny. All the trailer of Spiderman makes him looks so tough&strong. But he’s very skinny and tiny in person. Like he makes me wanna hug him and feed him and tuck him in bed=.= His face is SO ADORABLE>”< I thought he’s gonna use cologne or something but he didn’t, so he just smelled like sunshine>”< He talks so gentle and lightly, like he’s very very very tender>”< And I honestly felt like I could never, ever read any NC-17 stuff about him EVER again...I CAN’TTTTTTT
After signing all of our playbills, he just said goodbye and walked into the crowd and disappeared. I stared at him blending into the crowd of NYC; it felt like a dream. I remember there’s one time that we were talking about how Andrew is really a STAR. But in real life, he just strikes me as a normal young boy; innocent, cute and nice.
加菲在“回忆”阶段里是穿着一件蓝色tshirt+sneakers,年轻的要命。包括他的肢体语言,整个让我感觉就是一个teenager boy。在“现实”阶段里,However,他一穿上那套suit,我直接就穿越到TSN了……加上Biff的Daddy Issue....Wardo I miss you T^T有几段scream非常的powerful。其中之一,是Biff跑到Boston去找Willy却发现他爸爸有外遇的时候,biff坐在地上把自己缩成一个小圈,抱着自己哭,心疼心疼心疼>”<还有接近结尾的时候,Biff的大爆发,从大吼到抱着Willy哭,真的是挺受不了的(旁边很多人眼泪都下来了>”<)
前面各种actors出来,没耐心看=。=晚上人群很壮观,很多人都在等。后面来了一个男生,巨可爱,拉着他女朋友,一直问Is that the guy from TSN? Is that the new spiderman?lol
加菲出来的时候,手里拿着一大束五颜六色的气球,我当时就愣了,心想哪个粉丝送他一堆气球。没想到=。=这位同学开始往人群里派发气球。。。。。。。。。我从他手里拿到了一个绿色的。。。。。。。心里的想法一直在he’s so weird/he’s so fucking adorable/he probably gonna be the ONLY person in the world who gives fans ballons after his closing night中徘徊....他送完气球之后开始从头签字,因为我位置不好,加上下午已经跟他见过了,就很淡定的只递了个playbill。不过很多排在第一排的女生都有跟他说话,我听不见,但是看见他很认真的跟每个人聊天+说谢谢。那个跟女朋友一起的男生还跟加菲high five了一下,然后又抢到了一个气球,他特别得瑟的说I got a ballon from spiderman! I’m blessed!。。。
把stage door两边人群全部签完之后,他就蹦跶到了马路对面。。。很快被围住,继续签名(我麻麻跟我说,有个记者tried to approach him, but Andrew told him off sorta coldly. But He was really really nice to every single one of his fans, which is a pretty big contrast...)最后有个mm说,could you please sign mine? as the last one? 加菲就特别抱歉地说,我真的真的要走了,我已经sign了好多个“last one”了。然后他顿了一下,说,how about a hug instead>”< 那个MM当时感觉就疯了。。。。抱完之后,他就消失在了47th street上>”<
Okay. In conclusion, Andrew’s pretty much exactly the same as he looks on TV. But completely different at the same time. He’s very gentle and nice, which I’m kinda surprised(he’s so dreamy...) Also, his GODDAMNED ACCENT IS SO SEXY. even when he says the simplest words like “thanks” it sounds SO SEXY UGHHH.
I’m so in love with him. Today is still so surreal. I should be sleeping by now, but adrenaline is keeping me up. I tied the ballon into my bag, and set my screen photo back to spiderman. The one thing that I’m regretting is that I really really should let him sign my TSN DVD case and my VMAN.
Special thanks to 13, who is SO NICE. And without her, I probably won’t see Andrew at the first place. BEST PERSON ALIVE. EVER.