another day behind

Jul 03, 2007 06:07

Sorry guys I am posting yesterday's happenings this morning. I will try my hardest to post todays happenings tonight.
So here is yesterday's events.

We started working the dogs on elm street rout. The first trip went well. I was pushing Fiona a bit to the left. We had the traffic lecture but we got back late so me and Casey walked in late and dave already started to talk. On the first trip we got a check by dave the class superviser and it was a good check and a guy called dave an Ass Hole. Dave brought that up in class to the other students. Then the afternoon trip we did well again and we had 3 or 4 natural traffic checks. Fiona was on the money with all of those. I think I am going to do this solo with Casey. Last night I played spades with the normal spade players. Me and Casey lost though but its ok because we will win tonight. The people in my class seem pritty cool. We have a few quiet people but for the most part they all seem nice.
P.S if you are reading this and you feel like commenting Please do so then I know I have some people reading this.

Hope everyone is having a great morning.
Untill later
Lori and fiona
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