Jul 01, 2006 21:22
So, it would appear that now i am going to visit my friends in NY. Not that my money issues changed, no, my mind took over, and i realized that this was the last time i get to see them for lord knows how long.
Now, at first i was just going to go down on bus, really not wanting to drive that drive that it is. then my parents got into it and looked at planes (YAY) and then decided it was too expensive (BOO), we then looked at amtrak and realized that that was the way to go. So now i have a train to boston, a "layover" that last 4 hours in a train station in boston, then on to Syracuse from there. getting there at 9.10 at night. the day long jouney is going to suck major.....nvm.....at any rate, it will be worth it. Though this visits gonna be a quick one, i will only have three days with them, but three days is better than no days, right?
Other than that, i don't really have much to update you all on. Other than my insane fear of hanging around a train station in Boston from 8.50 AM till 12.10 PM. Though i will have my PSP and some videos to watch, though that could be dangerous too.
So thats about it!