(no subject)

May 04, 2009 23:36

Just as was about to make dinner tonight I was overcome with the urge to clean out my cupboards. I embraced this because I've gone several years without any such urge. I'm really not the tidiest person when it comes to, well, anything, but in this case, I refer to determining what should and should should not be shoved in the back of some shelf. That is, probably nothing should be shoved to the back of some shelf, but I shove everything back there.
Who knew such hijinks could ensue from such an industrious intention? Oh, the fun I had when a bag of tapioca flour came tumbling off the top shelf ("What's in there? I'll just give it a tug and catch it as it falls"). Fortunately I was wearing all black so I could clearly see where the flour landed on me and I could brush at it in annoyance. Now I'm wearing all grey. I also got to enjoy the lovely music of all those pieces of rotini crunching underfoot. Or were those the peppercorns. Or some other cupboard oddity I couldn't identify.
Gah. At least my cupboards are clean.
And now I'm on that Dreamwidth thing as "dang". Come find me if I haven't found you.
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