Comment to this post, and I will list five things I associate with you. They might make sense or they might be totally random. Then post that list, with your commentary, to your LJ (or just add a reply back to me). Other people (including me) can get lists from you, and the meme merrily perpetuates itself.
I always end up writing way more than I intend in these things...
Mizzy2k I got...
1. Leverage
Really? No... *hehe* Yes, I am a little obsessive, and yes Leverage is currently the centre of that obsession. I love the fact that there isn't one pairing I'd turn away from, and even those I once considered a little difficult to resolve I can now see (mostly due to Mizzy's own
drabble-hoard of awesome from way back when...?). The cast is comfortable and at ease with each other, the geek-references are frequent, the humour is light and every so often things do go wrong. Oh, and the fandom is FANTASTIC. I really really enjoy writing and reading in this fandom.
2. Fighting
Hopefully you mean in fic... I don't consider myself a physically aggressive person, but I do so love a fight scene. On screen, in books or in fanfic, I think a well written physical scene of any kind really shows the skills and mentality of the character. Also, sometimes it's really easy to get bogged down in the complexities in fanfiction - there's something simple and pure in a fight scene, and you don't have to worry too much about the backstory or even the outcome while the adrenaline's raging. I am really enjoying fight bingo at the moment.
3. Fanfic
Yup, that's me. XD I started writing when I was young and I never stopped, even when it's really hard to convince people that I'm writing for no personal gain, just for enjoyment. I always carry a notepad and pen. Block is my personal dark place.
4. Creativity
This one made me smile because I'm the least 'creative' of my family. They're all artists or 'creatives' and I'm a scientist. But still, I do enjoy a bit of writing, and some vague and poor attempts at art now and again...
5. Odd username
There's a story there, there is. I have been through a whole raft of usernames/pseudonyms, and I knew I was due for a change. I was writing in a bus stop in Coventry (where I did my undergrad & postgrad) and they had just installed these automated bus time-table things (where it tells you which bus is due next and at what time) but they hadn't started working yet, it was just dark. And I was writing (had just missed a bus, had ages to wait for the next one), and there was this flash in the corner of my eye, but everything was dark when I looked up. This happened half a dozen times and so I stopped writing and just waited, and the sign that I had thought was switched off flashed up a message for less than a second and then went dark again. Nothing meaningful, just the version of the software that was loading.
I was hugely amused (it must have been very late) and spent the next fifteen minutes standing on the seat in the bus stop trying to take a photo of the message, looking like a crazy person to everyone in the vicinity.
Hence... Secret Messages In Bus Stops:
Jesco0307 I got...
1. Multiple fandoms
I am a fickle lover of things, and many fandoms hold places in my heart. There are only a handful of fandoms that I love but don't think I could write for, or write well enough to do them justice. I think that's why I started out writing for Mutant X - I couldn't possibly write any worse than the original show. XD But I do have a bad habit of hopping fandoms, and picking up random ones all over the place. It gets me into trouble with my longer fics, because my attention span is fairly poor.
2. Nate/Eliot/Sophie
I can't not love this trio. The maturity of their interactions is very different from groups I've written for before now, and the way they balance each other out makes a great deal of sense to me. I love the power play implicit in the way they arrange themselves, and I just wish I could write sexual situations well enough to complement all the domestic fluff I want to write for them.
3. Language
Bad language or good language? That is the question...
I blame all my bad language on Eliot. Even if he never swears in the show, you *know* he swears like a sailor. Hehe. I do love the English language, and I wish I'd spent more time on it in school. If I hadn't been such a science nerd I would have loved to do A-levels in English literature, I never feel like I know enough to do more than criticise, I'm not good enough to build language back up. I'm trying pretty hard at the moment to build up my knowledge of grammar, because I think it helps in beta jobs (which is something I really love doing!).
Other languages... I always regret feeling like I never have enough time to work on my language skills, and it's always an excuse. I should just do the classes and stop blaming time constraints.
"Popular appeals to the scarcity of time and especially of energy are tailor-made to serve as culturally honorable excuses for the under-committed" SR Marks
4. Icons
There's something so satisfying about being able to fit emotion or meaning into 100x100 square. I'm not sure I've quite got it yet, but I'm working hard on it. I have to admit, I use icons as a kind of out in challenge work as I find them easier and faster to get done in a short amount of time than writing.
5. Leverageland
Damn it takes up time, but I do love it. It pushes me to write better and better, and in shorter and shorter times, and maybe one day I'll get voted on! *flails* I enjoy the community of it, and the lovely people I've met along the way. :D
Telaryn I got...
1. Team Hitter
I love them all! :D It's crazy to think how much work we put into those damn landcomm challenges, and the dedication from all the teams is awe-inspiring. Wow, but you grifters are still kicking our asses right now. *works harder*
2. British Television
I love it. British humour is... well. So very British. There's nothing like it anywhere else. (obviousness for the win!) The primary reason I don't write much fanfiction for British shows goes with what I said earlier - I'm not sure I could match the quality, or the level of humour. I can't add anything useful to shows like Sherlock - because I'm not smart enough! - or Green Wing/Spaced/Coupling - because I'm not funny enough. There's also a lot of physicality involved, which always makes them hard to icon. *sigh* I just need to raise my game.
3. Truth Snake!
Oh Jane, how I love you so. I feel like amongst my friends, I am you. The slightly self-obsessed and unquestionably crazy one.
4. Anita Blake
Hmmm... how to explain my obsession with Anita Blake... I think this links in with what I was saying earlier about fight scenes. I may be the only person in the world who doesn't read LKH's books for the explicit vampire sex. I love the way she describes a scene, or a person and the way they move or react. There's a huge amount of physicality in her writing and I am constantly trying to work out exactly what it is I love about it so I can bring more of it into my own writing. I find the sex a little tiresome sometimes, but the fight scenes are something special. I worry that they'll make a film or a TV show one of these days and it won't work because the actors won't move right.
One thing I am always pointing out to people with Anita Blake is that LKH herself has personally asked that we not write fanfiction for it. For whatever reason, she's done that and I do think that as a fan of the work it should be respected. It is hard, though... there are some good works out there. *flails*
5. Kate Bush
Oh Kate Bush, I love you so. How do I love thee? Let me count the ways... (*giggle-snort*)
You dance madly in your videos (that feature people such as Donald Sutherland, Tim McInnerny, Dawn French, Hugh Laurie), every style, every emotion and I love your craziness. Your lyrics move me every time I hear them, and it only takes a snippet of song to change my whole mood for the day. You are prolific and your new works just make me think you're happy and satisfied in your wonderful mature domestic life, which makes me think that things can be OK in the future.
And this song... I can't quite explain what it means to me:
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