So I finally decided to sit down and watch the first few eps of the Torchwood reboot. I had been dubious, because... well Harkness is camp as Christmas, but that doesn't stand out quite so much in a British (Welsh) show as I could see it doing in an American one. Also... with the best will in the world... There are things I watch American shoes for, and the Doctor Who franchise does not contain any of those things. I could see the British humour dying, Gwen softening her accent, and... well, explosions, big stunts and the death of all plot.
So far...
I am chuffed with the cast, but we have had the expected increase in explosions and stunts and drop in humour. The reintroduction exposition was clunky, but was done very quickly so that wasn't so bad. Gwen's (and Rhys' - thank God) accents seem to be solid at the moment, and I love that they've stayed passionate and wild. I think they might start to lose me if they overtly change over the next few weeks.
Baby Cooper is gorgeous, and grins in all the right places (eg wearing earmuffs with Mummy Cooper kicking butt).
The discussion of Wales feels entirely odd, perhaps only because it's just not a topic that ever comes up on American shows, or even crossover shows. Wales just *is*. And the Severn Bridge. XD *giggles* "Wales is insane" <- RTD you're made of win.
I absolutely adore that they're looking at this in a scientific way. They've not just jumped on the obvious issues (space, resources, food and clean water) but also the political, ethical, and medical/virological issues.
And the chelator prep... well, that was just funny XD And while technically right, probably wouldn't have worked in a coffee mug (which is made of metal, please note).
"If you're the best England's got of offer..." (I nearly died)