Comment Fics For Japan

Mar 15, 2011 13:57

So here's the plan. I've donated a little bit of money to the Red Cross for each of these fics. If you like them, if you enjoy them, or if for any other reason you feel like supporting Japan through current events please donate to the Red Cross Japanese Tsunami Appeal.

If you're from Britain, here, or if you're from America, here. In the US you can also Text REDCROSS to 90999 to make a $10 donation. Other countries, please look up your local Red Cross or other AUTHENTICATED charity. (Please be careful donating - only donate to a group you know and on valid websites)

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Fic: Geisha
Rating: PG-13
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairings: None
Warnings: Discussion of a serial killer
Spoilers: None
AN: A Comment fic for l3petitemort


"It shouldn't be this hard to find someone who regularly visits this kind of institution," JJ pointed out, letting the images slid out of her hands and back onto the desk. "I mean... aren't we just looking for someone who idolises that specific physical form - there must be an origin for that kind of impulse."

"There's far too many people in the world looking to dominate a woman," Hotch replied, rubbing the back of his hand across tired eyes. "And when these women dress themselves up in a character we already perceive to be willing to be dominated..."

"Well, actually part of the geisha's role is to have an amount of control over the gathering," Reid observed blandly. "Their role wasn't as subservient as you might think. Historically, geisha were probably the most independent women in Japanese culture."

"So you think we're talking about an unsub who didn't know the Japanese traditions very well?" Morgan asked, looking over their initial list and realising how fruitless that first search had been.

"That or someone who wanted to be controlled?" Elle butted in with a shadow of a grin.

"Well, I can think of one good way to find out..." JJ offered, sliding a glance over at Elle. "How do you feel about a kimono?"


Fic: Disaster of Unbelievable Proportions
Fandom: Doctor Who/Naruto
Rating: PG-13
Pairings: None
Warnings: Japan in ruins
Spoilers: For Kakashi's genin team and their stories
AN: A Comment fic for tiptoe39


When The Doctor comes across her she looks lost and confused, blood on her forehead and on her hands. She doesn't remember who she is or where she is and she comes with him because he is no more strange to her than anything else around her. Minato and Kakashi will look for her for nearly a year, but never decipher her tracks.

She has a power he doesn't understand fully, but she takes both his hands in hers and tells him that she feels the hole in him left by the loss of Gallifrey. She tells him that, and then she fills him with a warm energy that makes it feel, just for a moment, that he hasn't lost anything. It feels a bit like dying.

She starts to remember on a tiny planet, miles from home. There is a war going on, nothing they can really get involved in, but a tiny boy is seconds from being crushed by rockfall and he has never seen a human move as fast as she moved in that moment. She holds the child to her, nearly crushing him in her arms, and studies his eyes carefully.

She tells him afterwards that she lost a good friend once, and that she was sure there had been something wrong with his eyes. She worries she has left people behind, that they will worry about her, and then she worries that she has left people behind and that she has let them down. She was a medic, she remembers at last. And there had been a war.

Things get in the way of returning immediately - The Doctor and the TARDIS have never been known for their timeliness. She worries less and less - the people she is remembering, her friends, were strong and capable. But perhaps without her they will not be so good at remembering to look out for themselves.

She returns in the middle of a disaster of unbelievable proportions, her village rubble on the ground, and the doctor holds her as she cries and rages and grieves. And then he takes her away again. There's nothing there for her now.


Fic: Then and Now
Rating: PG
Fandom: Yu Yu Hakusho
Pairings: Hiei/Kurama, Kuronue/Youko Kurama
Warnings: 1st Person
Spoilers: I would say for Kuronue, but only very distantly because I never watched the movie...
AN: A Comment fic for creepy_shetan


The difference between then and now... well it's a matter of proportions. Don't snigger like that, I don't mean heights. Humans are so obsessed with size, it's sickening.

The difference between then and now is that then it was an easy thing for Kurama to rule his own little part of the demon realm and make sure nothing could touch him. He and Kuronue... they were 'big' in the demon realm. Stop laughing, you idiot. Like your actors and your 'musicians' (ha) people knew about them. They had a reputation and it was enough. They were never safe, that would be stupid. No one is ever safe. They were... protected.

The difference between then and now is that Yuoko Kurama was this force that few could challenge and fewer dared to. He used to walk into the room and people would tremble and lesser demons would scurry around his feet just to feel the power radiating off him. He was... beautiful. Shut up, I don't mean it like that. His *power* was beautiful to experience. Like a revelation. I'm not some swooning girl.

The difference between then and now is that now I worry for him every moment of every day. His heart is a weak one and his skin weaker still and if he carries a grievous wound...

The difference between then and now is that now I can tell him I love him and he won't laugh at me, insignificant as I am. That last one's not for sharing, you understand? I'll kill you first.


Fic: Sensei vs Parents
Rating: PG
Fandom: Naruto
Pairings: Kakashi/Iruka
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
AN: A Comment fic for lilpocketninja


Naruto had always been close to his Iruka-sensei. He wasn't the only orphan in Konohagakure, but Iruka-sensei often said he was the neediest, and he'd taken that as permission to bug his sensei as often as he felt the need. Iruka-sensei had never turned him away, had never questioned his right to be there and had always fed him... at least after he'd asked enough times.

Which is why this just wasn't on.

"Kakashi-sensei, get out of Iruka-sensei's cupboards. You can't cook, stop trying."

"Mah..." Kakashi tugged on the bottom of his mask, looking bizarre with a mask and forehead protector but no shirt. "Naruto-kun, when did you get here?"

"This is Iruka-sensei's apartment!" he declared. "Why are *you* here?"

Kakashi extended a finger, as if considering how to reply, and then shook his head. "What do you want for breakfast? No, don't tell me. I'll make you something with vegetables in."

"Kakashi-kun..." Iruka stalled in his bedroom doorway. "Hello Naruto-kun. Have you had breakfast?"

"Sakura-chan's mother makes her eat vegetables at breakfast." Naruto mused. "I don't like vegetables."

"Vegetables are good for you. As you sensei, I insist you eat more vegetables." Kakashi demanded with a sharp grin - visible through his mask.

Naruto scowled.

"Ah, Naruto-kun." Iruka agreed thoughtfully. "Kakashi-sensei's right. You don't eat enough vegetables."

With a shout, Naruto bolted for the door. Having two sensei dating was worse than having two parents when it came to stealing breakfast.


Fic: Geisha (II)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Leverage
Pairings: Geisha/Eliot
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
AN: A Comment fic for rockerbaby423


"What are we waiting for exactly?" Hardison asked Nate impatiently. "The longer we leave this guy the bigger lead he's going to have."

"His lead isn't going to matter," Nate replied obscurely. "He's going to come back for this."

"Come back for..." Parker trailed off. "Oh!" she exclaimed as Sophie stepped out of the other room.

"For this," Sophie said, grinning brightly in her kimono, with her hair pinned up elaborately ontop of her head.

"That make-up's not pale enough for you, Sophie," Eliot pointed out blandly. "And you've used too much colour, only the young, less experienced geishas have..." He hesitated when it became obvious that everyone was looking at him. "What? I dated a geisha."

The others didn't look particularly surprised.


Fic: Wild
Rating: PG
Fandom: Leverage/(Princess Mononoke)
Pairings: pre-Sophie/Eliot
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
Verse: Katsuyō suru (This isn't quite right, being the verb 'to leverage' as far as I know, if anyone can correct it you win cookies)
AN: A Comment fic for daria234


When Sophie had first met Eliot - though he had been nameless at the time - Sophie had thought she had come across an animal spirit come to claim her for all the lies she had told. He had been dressed in animal skins, his face hidden behind a grotesque mask and his skin smeared with dirt and blood. She had screamed until her guards had come to protect her. He had disappeared faster than any man and so she had thought him a ninja, though one dressed as none other she had seen.

The next time she saw him, Eliot was not alone, but with a wolf many times the size of any she had seen before crouched at his shoulder. They had been staring out over the valley, but had both turned and looked at her sharply when she came across them. There was such intelligence in the wolf's eyes, and the man - however dressed - was most definitely a man. Sophie held her ground, and held out her hand.

Sophie had never been one to tell the truth. In truth she was born to a household destined to always work the fields and tend the crops. In truth she should have married the boy who lived in the house beside hers, with the sweet smile and the blushing cheeks, who had asked for her hand in marriage when she was still young enough to dream of adventures. With such a skill for lies, she had lived every one of those adventures, and with a little work she had 'earned' the money to sustain herself.

But what was money without the risk of holding out a hand to a wild man and seeing if he or his wolf would bite?


Fic: Katsuyō suru (see above)
Rating: PG
Fandom: Leverage/Naruto
Pairings: None
Warnings: None
Spoilers: None
AN: A Comment fic for yorichiyoshi12


Nathan Ford had been daimyo of a great and prosperous village when his young son had fallen sick. No knowledge within the village or without could heal him, though Nate was not lax in seeking an answer. After his son's death, he fled his home and the village he had long tended.

Nate had originally intended to find someone who would take him on as a worker - some kind of mindless labour - and work out the rest of his days in anonymity, far from anything that might remind him of the life he had so recently lost.

It had been a good plan, and might have worked had it not been for the three he had come across when he had joined the team working to build the bridge in the Land of Waves. They had been identified to him as trouble makers and law breakers, chained to the structure of the bridge where they were working and not allowed to break for lunch like the others, given only water intermittently.

When one day he was assigned to work nearby to one of the three - the girl with glowing blonde hair much like his wife's - he tried to strike up conversation with her, sharing his lunch with her when she ignored his conversation but was drawn by his food. It was then that he noticed the chakra seal on her skin - poorly scribed, but enough to contain a force far more powerful than this child looked likely to carry with her.

He didn't comment, only continued to observe until he had a chance to work with the young man, tall and dark skinned. He too carried a chakra seal, but unlike the girl he had no fear of talking and named himself Alec, a ninja from the South.

"We were scouting the area South of Wave," he told Nate easily when he was asked. "Parker and I. In preparation for our employer's visit." Hardison glanced around him. "But we were ambushed, and they got our chakra chained and they don't feed us so we're not strong enough to fight our way out of this. Our employer won't risk himself, but she sent her Samurai..." Alec trailed off, his eyes on their third, separated from them across the other side of the bridge. "There must be some serious power here if they got chains on Eliot so easily. I mean... I'm good at traps and surveillance, it's what I do. There was *nothing* there when we walked into... what ever we walked into."

"Who's your employer?" Nate had asked, curious for the rest of the story.

"They call her Sophie."

And Nate knew from that moment that he would not be fading into anonymity here, today.


fandom: yu yu hakusho, fandom: dr who, fandom: leverage, fandom: naruto, type: crack, fandom: princess mononoke, type: crossover, fandom: criminal minds, fund raising, rl, pairing: kakashi/iruka, type: commentfic, pairing: hiei/kurama, pairing: sophie/eliot, pairing: eliot/other

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