still mourning for Herrn Köster

Oct 29, 2007 00:11

For anyone who was honestly wondering wtf I was talking about when I posted this, it's a detective series. This detective series:

image Click to view

The theme music is cheesy as only a series broadcast from 1977 to 1986 can be. But the truly lovable thing about it was the characters: the determined and grounded yet often cheerful Inspector Erwin Köster (sometimes known as "the old man", hence the title of the series), played by Siegfried Lowitz, and his modest younger sidekick, Gerd Heymann. Not since Kirk and Spock have two characters in a professional relationship shown such chemistry on-screen.

I haven't watched this show religiously, but had gotten used to being able to watch it every late Sunday night whenever I've had access to German TV... until last Sunday, when an unusually creepy but good episode ended with Herr Köster dying of a seemingly innocuous gunshot wound. Now that Sunday night has rolled around again, I miss him. And judging from YouTube, I'm not the only one to have experienced these emotions in the last week... the most recent comment under the clip above on YouTube's page, from five days ago, is the following:

Kommissar Köster - gestorben 12.1.1986
in der Folge: 2 Leben

Siegfried Lowitz - gestorben 1999

Danke für alles!!!

That is...

Superintendent Köster - died 1/12/86
in the episode: "2 Lives"

Siegfried Lowitz - died 1999

Thanks for everything!!!

Always nice to know there's someone else out there mourning for the same fictional characters that I am. (Incidentally, I still cry at Spock's funeral. Every time.)

Addendum: this doesn't make up for the lack of Der Alte, but in its place tonight 3sat showed a series called Stahlnetz, which was evidently a clone of Dragnet. Different setting and storylines, but exactly the same music and "The following story is true..." message at the beginning. Someone who reviewed it on IMDB claims it was better than the original. This I cannot judge.

german, senseless violence, tv

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