4-20 You Know Wat That Means

Apr 20, 2005 11:10

Dig, Dig, DIg, and Diggity Dig
Dig, Dig, Dig, and Diggity Dig
Hi Nonny-Nonny, Hi Nonny-Nonny.... That was Jasmine... shes high...! I'm goin to the Greenday concert tonight... Nicole just said "If Mr. Padgett has a beainie hes a big ol weinie" Jasmine dont know how to ski... Cuz Jasmine dont ski mother *BLEEP* Nicole stuck her finger in the hole in the keyboard... Right... Aww Tomorrow Nicole Jasmine and people will be leavin me... Jasmine thinks gas is for goats.... hahahahaha what a ozer... Jasmines new vision from my water bottle is 35......EWWWWW! I heard that MCNASTY IT stinks.... Mr Pdog just farted lol omg I talked to Christopher last night... I'm goin to his house today... because of the date... he said hes got some shiznit... anyways...HAY IS 4 HORSES MR.PDOG AND GRASS IS FOR GOATS... OMG Michael said hes got to fart... omg MCNASTY hahaha what a Lpozer...Loser/pozer Jasmine is just her... thats her new rap song... ohh yeah.. I forgot to wear my green shirt so first I taped chapstick to my shirt because its mint and its green... then I took it off because I wanted to use it so I taped a dollar on my pants... its cool... hahahaha Nicole got her toung pierced(not really its gum) Nicole just said toaster...? hahaha Well I'ma let Jasmine type her song.. then I'ma get her autograph so when she get famouse I will be worth something... maybe...Now its Jasmine Byrd: Antwon what it is!!! I stole Lauren's dollar-(Nicole:HaHaHa)-and she was all lookin 4 it and it was so fickin funny and nobody's payin any 'ttention 2 Mr. PDog oh crap here he comes with HOMEWORk
McDonald's badabopbaba I'm lovin it well I wish i had a livejournal but it takes too frickin long 2 make so oh well.......OOOOOOOOOOOKKKKKKKKKKKk Nicole's so frickin high right now She cheated on MR.PDOG's test j/p well i am so bored by this frickin class well caio babes luv ya bye *kiss-kiss* oh one more thing UNLESS U WANT YOUR NEXT PERIOD TO COME OUT OF YOUR NOSEI SUGGEST YOU LEAVE ME ALONE-COURTESY OF ONE TREE HILL
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