Repo! The Genetic Opera (Movie Review)

Nov 25, 2008 17:00

So, my Quick Capsule Review: This movie rocks. You should see it yesterday.

Further Musings & Info:

Take "Rocky Horror Picture Show", toss it into a futuristic medical contraption that slices, dices, guts and sprays, then patches you up afterward, and you've got "Repo!". It's dark, a musical/opera sung to Gothic Hard Rock, has some amazing performances, excellent sets and costumes, and manages to be both very funny and poignant. Oh, and it's an "Indie" film, which is a bonus.

I was shown a clip at the site above (the "Zydrate" Film Clip), which is what piqued my interest, but it was when I saw it starred Anthony Stewart Head (Giles from the Buffy series) that I knew I had to go. He has a very good voice, and is amazing in this role. The worst that could be said of the film is that it also has Paris Hilton (WTF?) and Sarah Brightman. But to be totally fair, they both did a good job. The former was practically type-cast (and I'm tempted to strike that "practically") and managed to make me forget who I was watching (high praise); the latter has gotten better over the years, and was enjoyable to watch and listen to. But out from nowhere is one of the duo who wrote the script, the man who plays GraveRobber. He's hot, plays the part well, and makes you want to hear more of him. Damn good.

The plot mixes horror and opera quite well, and it was very entertaining to watch.

So entertaining, in fact, that I want to see it again. Not just to help the sales and promotion, but because it was that good. And Anthony Stewart Head is awesome.

"I'll have another, please!"

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