Oct 02, 2007 21:19
My tummy hurts.
Best line of the new TV Season:
Pushing Daisies, Kristin Chenowith: "I used to think masturbation meant chewing my food"
I have Jello.
I am down to my last box of my favouritest tea ever and the Celtic Treasure Chest no longer sells it as her distributor no longer imports it from Britain :(
It rained like a son of a b*tch JUST as I was leaving for the bus this morning...and conveniently stopped as soon as I got on the bus....soaking....
His Highness is sleeping on my pillow right now, best way to get lots of fur on my pillow just before I plan on using it.
I had a handful of Salt and Vinegar chips with dinner....I didn't like em, which is strange...fat chicks like chips, at least this one usually does.
I have to go to the Island this weekend (up Island not down for those who are wondering...) and I'm not looking forward to it. I H.A.T.E the ferries on long weekends. Apparently I can still be guilt-tripped by my Daddy. He has a damn good point...but still...*pouts*
Torchwood finally debuts on the CBC on Friday night....and not one SHRED of promotion for it. Apparently you have to be Jonathan Rhys Meyers portraying a shagging bastard in order for the CBC to promote your programme.