
345 am

Jul 20, 2007 03:45

I am still up.

Cant sleep.

Feels just like the old days...in my university days I tended to stay up until 5am, seems to be my bodies optimum time....stupid corporate 8-5 work world grrrrrrrrrr

Thankfully I have today off. Someone hard fought to get it off mind you, but hey, my works Canadian corporate head office mandates we get the DDO days then I am going to take them whether I am at the clients office or not! Client not entirely keen on it...but we need to get them used to it cuz when they move to our office they will be the only ones in the building on DDO days! Well, that and if I dont take it then I get ripped off of banked time....sooooooo not going to let that happen, I dont work for free dammit!

Went to 7-11 at 130am....wanted Gatorade for some reason. Weird drunk people are out at 130am....clearly its been awhile since I've been out that late around here. And sadly no Buzz Cola, Krusty-os or any other Simpsons stuff...cuz hey, might as well look for it but I was SOL.

Fuzzpants seems to be in cuddlymode so I'd best get off to bed...maybe he'll come sleep with me - he's so cute when he curls up on the pillow :)

Crap - I got a little sappy there...I must be tired....bedtime now...
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