odds and ends

Sep 24, 2005 16:36

Alabama 4-0!! Yay! Roll Tide! I'm looking for Alabama icons, but haven't found any that are available for snurching. I guess people make their own. *shrugs*

I didn't watch the whole game 'cause it can get boring. I watched last week's game and there's only so amy beer and razor ads a girl can take. I felt like I needed to do something girly or watch a chick flick afterwards. I think it maybe hard for sci-fi fans to change their focus to sports. What do y'all think?

Okay, no one told me the McKay/Sheppard banter was so good. I watched Aurora last night. The first full ep of SGA I've seen. I don't like Ronon's hair. I want to comb it out, but he does wear that leather wristcuff. Oh. Yeah. Besides, I can just focus on his arms, right? ;)

I've been watching a lot of the hurricane coverage. I think Fox News Channel is the best. I also found out, well, no confirmed with last night's viewing that Sheppard Smith is in fact insane for doing his reports right in near ground zero of the hurricane's path. I believe he has a death wish. I guess news reporters are a different type of species than we are. *g*

football, hurricane, sga

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