House -"The C-Word"

May 01, 2012 18:40

House didn't take his Vicodin because he knew Wilson would need it. That proves he's in love with him. :D

Loved this ep. RSL was amazing in this ep. House and Wilson's scenes were heartbreakingly beautiful.

So much hurt/comfort. *sigh* It was hard to believe House was the one giving the comfort. Even offering to change his diapers. It *really* is love.

The video. LOL! Did House really do that or was it just Photoshop? Can you do that with Photoshop?

Loved the see you at lunch comment. They're trying to mainatin some normalcy, even with Wilson's cancer.

So, we won't know if Wilson will be cured until the final ep. TPTB love to torture us, don't they?

house, house/wilson

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