Nov 03, 2008 20:28
A local radio station today was asking its listeners if you ran for office, what outrageous campaign promise would you make. I thought about that on the drive home and came up with more than one.
1. People would be required to get a license before they became parents. We need a license to drive, but not to parent. What's wrong with this picture?
2. Drivers must be armed with a zat or a phaser in the car at all times. When you see bad driving, take action. This is especially relevant in metro Atlanta. Did we all not learn from the same manual? *eyeroll*
3. Handicapped bathrooms will only be designed by people who are in fact, disabled. This would solve at least one of my problems. I'll stop before I go off on a rant. ;)
4. Four day work week!
5. Health insurance for every American. (Maybe this will really happen) *crosses fingers*
Anyone got anything to add?