Random shit

Oct 01, 2006 16:36

I just realized I wrote fics in three different fandoms this week. That's a personal best for me. *g*

I watched the finale of Celebrity Duets and wasn't surprised Alfonso won. Knew it from week 1. I wished Hal Sparks had made runner up, but hey, he looked great in those leather wristcuffs he was wearing. Oh. Yeah.

The baseball game on FOX ran over and they showed Avalon part 2 fifteen minutes into it. I've seen in many times and can quote parts of it, but it still ticked me off. Don't even get me started on WGN forgetting Farscape due to baseball. The local ABC affliate used to show it here, but that's gone now. *pouts*

Sports aren't all bad. Alabama football is back. Yay! They were doing well, but lost the last two games, but Arkansas and Florida are really good teams. CBS has been airing SEC football lately. I prefer it on the local stations when you can hear the announcers use phrases like: "He mighta had that catch" or "He shoulda had made that field goal." We talk kinda funny down here. ;) SEC football is a religion down here. I saw women and little kids on TV with their faces painted in the team colors. You know it's serious then.

I'm ticked off that House will be gone for a month because of the baseball playoffs. Do they know how much we need our House/Wilson banter? *stomps foot*

Happy October 1st all you Sydney/Vaughn shippers! *sigh*

I'm three-fourths done with the New York Times crossword puzzle already. They must be getting easier. *g*

football, writing, house, sports, tv

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