i'm baaaack!!

Dec 06, 2006 15:53

for now... myspace is more addicting... but i can communicate better with bay here... hi bay!!!

my health is soooo much better post surgery. i'm not perfectly healthy, but so much better. no more of those horrible stomach pains, and being unable to eat anything. but i still can't eat all junk food, that still doesnt' sit well... probably a good thing. but the $3000 in bills is not a good thing...

christmas time... haven't done ANY shopping yet. reading ming's entry... and feeling depressed. i am really dreading christmas this year. i wish i could skip it. i dont' know what to do about presents... i wish i didnt' have to get any! that's so mean. i want to buy for people, i just can't! aaahhh!!! well, i've made my list: 18 gifts. (including b-day). i can do that. just no more!!! and please appreciate what you get, cause it's from the heart! xoxoxo

my ferret Janette is sick. well, i'm pretty sure she is. to do the cancer blood work/test, it's $200, which i TOTALLY do not have. so we're just assuming she has it. and it requires surgery. which i TOTALLY cannot afford. and she's getting old anyway. so, i will give her the best life i can... then have her put down before she's completely miserable. so i plan on cherishing every second i have left with her. so sad...

kick me when i'm down, huh?

sorry i'm being negative. but i've got to get it all out.... i do feel much better. i'm just sad i don't have any money cause i wanted to move out of illinois by now!
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