Nearly There.

Nov 01, 2009 15:53

It's been a while since I have posted anything.  I've been quite slack this year with doing things.

Being pregnant has been an amazing experience.  I am at the down hill run now, so not long now until I meet my baby.  I've got 5 weeks to go, one of those being stuck at work, then I'm taking 4 weeks off to firstly get the house in order and then relax and do nothing.

I'm 35 weeks pregnant and as big as a house.  I've forgotten what my feet and belly button looks like, I can't bend over, I can't lift anything, if I'm on my feet for too long my right thigh goes all numb.  I've got a heap of stairs I need to climb and which I need to climb one by one and sideways so as to prevent pain in pubic region.  It takes me a while and when I get to the top I'm so out of breath I think I am depriving the baby of oxygen.  My greatest thrill these days is to sit on a soft cushion and putting my feet up.  I've also resigned myself to the fact that I probably wont have a good nights sleep until our child is at least 22 yrs old if I'm lucky.

My pregnancy has gone really well, no gestational diabetes, no high blood pressure or bloating or any other complications.  I have only really been sick twice, once with a cold at the start and a bit of gastro a couple of weeks ago.  That's a good run for me.

My husband has been the best.  He's taken such good care of me.  Our housework has been neglected terribly, but he's done some cooking, put up with my moods and crying, rubs my back when it is sore, gets me things when I can't be bothered getting up off the couch.  I hog the bed and snore and he doesn't complain,  He's just so excited about being a Dad.

The fatigue and the baby brain is really hard to deal with sometimes.  Waddling along is quite amusing to everyone, and all I can do is laugh as I reckon I'd be looking pretty silly.

I had a lovely baby shower at work and got lots of pressies.  I'm having a bit of an informal one with my friends, more of a picnic than anything else.  I want to celebrate the baby not only with the girls, but Alex should be able to celebrate with our friends as well.  There is 2 of us in this pregnancy and giving birth to this child.  Why should he miss out on celebrating and getting pressies?  Poor Dad's always get neglected.

Now, in the ultrasounds at the start, the baby looks like it is going to be a girl.  I hope so.  Names that we've chosen is Bethany Adele if baby is a girl and Hayden Zachary if it is a boy.

I must admit, at times I feel a bit obsessed about this baby.  I think about her all the time, I want to talk about the pregnancy all the time, I surf the net looking at baby stuff.  She is my first one and she has just taken over not only my body, but my mind, spirit and life.  I love her so much already.  She has never been much of a kicker.  She more pushes, wiggles and squirms.  I talk to her all the time, I think she likes having showers and having moisturiser rubbed into my belly.  She has realised that it is bed time when I do that and settles down to go to sleep.  She knows the sound of her Dad's voice and often wiggles about when she hears him.  I think she is going to be a Daddy's girl.

Anyway, I'm nearly there.  I can't wait to meet her.  I hope the labour and delivery go well.  I do not want a c-section, I'd like to give birth naturally if I can.  I will try and go as far as I can without pain killers, but I doubt that will be too far into it.  I'd like to avoid an epidural if I can.  I just remind myself that I will get through this, women have been doing this pain free since the start of time.  Once the baby is born the pain is mostly gone, except a few tender bits.  I can do it.


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