Silly Me

Sep 21, 2008 09:47

I am never going to run again in a hurry.  I laugh now at the silliness that is me, but at the time it wasn't and it hurt.   Last night I fell over.

We had a late dinner as I started the braised steak late, plus it was too hot to eat early - it got to 32c yesterday.  I was in the kitchen finishing cooking dinner and I heard The Bill start and I took off running to the loungeroom so I could start recording it as we were going to watch a DVD while eating dinner.  My pajama pants were starting to fall down and my foot got caught in the bottom of the trouser leg and I start flying free fall down to the floor and on the way down, my arm happened to loop around the exercise bike handles and it starts to come down with me.  I skid on the carpet and get carpet burn on my hands and knee, the exercise bike lands on top of me and some how I twisted my foot.

I am lying there, a big lump, blubbering in pain, my husband rushes up to me and asks me what I am doing?  Hello dopey, I fell.... I didn't do this for fun.. and then he asks how the hell did I get the exercise bike on top of me and half way across the room?, .... bugger if I know .... no concern if I've hurt myself.

He gets the exercise bike off me and I slowly crawl, moan and groan my way to the couch and find the remote to start recording The Bill (priorities you know - I was on a mission!).  I lift myself up on the couch and check myself over.  No blood.  I whimper and seek sympathy, but I don't get any.  Heartless bastard, he  went back to his computer to finish this vid he's putting together on stargate so he can put up on YouTube.  Thats way more important.

I pull myself together (because I missed the start of The Bill) and hobble back to the kitchen, my foot is hurting, but I had to get dinner, my poor man was starving.  And then I start laughing at myself and the spot of bother I got myself in.  I realised now why I never run.  I think I'll be avoiding it in the future.

I missed out on doing the Memory Walk for Alzheimers today, which is a shame as I was looking forward to it.  Now I have to stay home and do homework for Uni.... whoo hoo...


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