So Frustrated...... arrrrrrrrr

Aug 22, 2008 20:20


I've just had the shittiest day at work.  We had a meeting today to clear a bit of the air that has been going on and about team building, but it didn't nothing of the sort.  There are little cliques/divisions at work, of which neither I'm a part of.  I try sooo very hard to keep out of it. I feel like I am piggy in the middle.  Two in particular are very manipulative of the others to turn against this other girl (who by the way is lovely).   Now, luckily one of those girls are leaving and the other girl is only new and has been manipulated by the other girl, so I am hoping that this shit will calm down when she leaves.  It is such a confusing, angry and tension filled atmosphere at work today.  It's giving me a headache.  Today was the first time in a long time that I have come home from work and cried.  I hate it. I usually quite like my job.  The clients are being dragged into it and I had to discuss that with one girl and told her it was unprofessional, it's not my job to do so, but I wanted to tell her in a nice way that didn't cause resentments, as it would if it had of come from the manager or the other lady they seem to have it in for.  That went ok, thankfully.

Being the piggy in the middle I cop the bitching from both sides.  Yaaaaa ya ya about her and then the other says Ya yayayaya about her.  It's doing my head in and all I want to do is scream!  I'm over it.  I am waiting for this girl to leave and then I'll talk to the other shit stirrer and get her to stop being so aggressive and wake up to herself.  I told both of them to talk to this other girl about their issues, but they refuse to do so.

The thing is, the clients are suffering  because of it all.  They come to the centre to enjoy their day out of the home and they come to a place that is filled with tension and apathy.  I'm the one who is usually running around madly doing everything, while the others couldn't give a rats arse.  "If so and so can get away with doing nothing, then so can I" mentality... Everyone is waiting for the other person to do something, rather than just doing it. I bought that up at the meeting today, whether it was taken notice of is another story.

Oh, one good thing, I got to drive the Van today, I'll be learning to drive for those emergency times of when I need to pick up clients.  That was fun.

I'm over it.  I've vented and now I want to enjoy the weekend.

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