Aug 12, 2008 20:38

Your result for How Do You Show Affection to Others Test?...

90% Physical_Contact, 40% Friendly_Words and 30% Lovingly_Watching_Them!

You hold physical contact in high regard. This is how you prefer to show your affection. It is a very loving way to do so and there are lots of people who appreciate it. It can also be confused that all you want is physical contact/activity, if you get my drift.

From the gentle touch of a hand to an arm...or a strong embrace this is how your affection shows itself and would probably be most appreciated by those who are just as touchy feely as you are. Use it wisely and remember every now and again to shake things up with some loving words.
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I LOVE cuddles.... they're the best things in the world.  I am a bit of touchy feely type.  I'm always free and available to give a cuddle to everyone!  They are healing and make you feel better.  They can be given to anyone, they don't have to be sexual, and they are appreciated.

I think it is a shame that teachers are no longer allowed to hug kids if they are hurt or upset. It's a real shame.  I think it is scarring for the kid.  Thinking about it (brainstorming), I wonder if this tack has leading our kids to be a lot more detached, unfeeling and have the inability to show sympathy?  Hmmm, pondering thought.

I work with the elderly and they are so deprived of touch.  Touching your fellow man is so important. It is making a connection. Its to let them know they are a part of the human race.  A lot that I go and see are socially isolated.  And in nursing homes - those who don't have family - the only touch they get is very clinical.  Yeah, I like to show affection to my clients with a hand on the arm or a cuddle if they want one (they usually do!).

Anyway, never be shy to give cuddles.  They are the BEST!


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