Act 6. Library Aid.

Apr 13, 2009 21:15

[Ren was busy reshelving. It was a daunting task, what with the neverending influx of new books. Not to mention the residents who actually made use of the building - those books that were returned needed reshelving, too, as well as any that got misplaced or left somewhere at random and forgotten.

Ren sighed as he reached up to insert a book between two others on the top shelf. Whether she meant ill or not, Kyoko had been exactly right about his height coming in handy. The library gods were definitely happy now. But then again, he had always been "god's chosen", even if he didn't remember it. Every once in a while a title would catch his interest and he would pause in his work to flip through the pages for a second or two. He found that he didn't mind reading at all, and as luck would have it, it was an excellent way to pass time on the island.]

Where do all of these books come from, I wonder? As soon as I believe myself to be finished, there are even more books waiting than when I started.


Oh well, I suppose that it's job security. There are much worse things I could be stuck doing to earn money.

erk, work, haruko, fiona, tanyuu, terra, yomiko, library aid, books, izuru

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