Jan 02, 2006 16:23
if u are someone who knows me u should know i believe in God, and that also my faith has been shaky in the past year til now. I have recently come back to my faith, just now its not complete, there are questions and confusion... but my question is not if u know me... my questions is how can u NOT believe?
when there is such beauty in the world as rain, snow, gardens, a single flower, animals, people, land, oceans, seas, rivers, creeks, the act of love, forgivenss, caring, devotion, and selflessness... how can one not believe in a god nor a higher power?
when there is such harship as trickery, or slyness, manipulation, murder, backstabbing, and such other hideus acts how can one not believe in a "devil" or a power of evil?
it is not God who makes one do good, just as it is not the devil who makes one do evil... it is but the person themselves. I firmly believe people act themselves, though some influence of the sort has the power to take that little voice in our head and convince it that the act we want/should or dont want/should not do and persuade, influence us to do it or not!
Many question if there is a God why does he let such evil go on. why does he allow murder and suffering, allow such horrible acts to be preformed to such strangers or even those we love the most. A question that is unfair. how can we ask God to interfer when we want... but to let us be when we do not want?
In recent news George Bush has been questioned on his acts on his act of phone tapping certain people. Many believe it is wrong for he has interfered with the privacy of those ppl with out just cause, or warrents. So dont interfer? is this not the same with God? he is our "president" as you could say... he has the last say on our judgment day, but do not sit here and ridcule him for not stopping the pain, when u can not thank him for the good. do not ridicule God for not interfering for when or if he did, you may no agree with it, and than you would say well now he should not interfer.
God in my belief is doing what he KNOWS is right for each and every soul on this earth. it is the individual that has decided to fall under the influence, and the pressures of evil.
good vs. evil exist and if u do not believe this, maybe you are just to afraid to see were you have fallen?