Mar 14, 2016 20:40
I kept my promise. I'll try not to go off into too many tangents..
I met this man, Mr. Burke, at my new job at the hotel I work overnights at. He works high up in the financial department in his company (I cannot bring myself to disclose the name) and after talking to him while serving him [drink after drink] he gave me his card telling me I should send over my resume.
After looking at my resume I realized that it's not worth looking at. I'd have to wow him with a killer cover letter. I mauled it over and decided that I'd begin to work on it.
I come in the next night and he calls me by the wrong name. The wrong name not just once but repeatedly. I corrected him and he apologized; still I feel that a lot of that conversation I had had with him the night before was a complete waste. He remembers wanting me to send him a resume but I felt he thinks I have more experience and schooling in accounting than I actually do.
A few weeks pass by and now another man, Mr. Alton, is telling me to apply as well. He's a little higher up than Mr. Burke from what I can gather. I began to explain to him everything I just explained above and he told me to do it anyway. It couldn't hurt, blah, blah, blah. Not so much the blah, blah, blah. Still hesitating.
So again I ask: Why am I hesitating? Most of the time to get in the door it's who you know not so much what you know. Even though I know some I don't know enough like they would want me to. I kind of feel the need to explain that in the cover letter: Just give me an internship or assistant accounting position. Do they even need those? Maybe they'll create a spot. Maybe they'll toss the resume all together. So what if they toss it? I obviously impressed the guy to the point of him sharing our initial conversation with such enthusiasm to his colleagues.
So I was working on my resume earlier. I trailed here because I tend to find anything I can to procrastinate the things I should actually be doing. I also should have put Josie (daughter, 7) to bed a few minutes ago. I'm pretty sure she doesn't mind.
So much has happened in the last 6 months of me being gone. I'll have to share as things come up.
hotel job