Feb 13, 2006 13:35
heyy yall whats up!? nothing here just chillen thinking about my baby and wondering what he got me for V day. he wont tell me (wonder why) lol. but im sitting here listening to this commercial about this C.D. called fired up 3. which is gay because it screws up the tempo on all the songs. can you say STUPID? lol but i keep on thiking about me and my boyfriend... and how serious it is getting... im so happy. no joke this is that cant eat, cant sleep, head over hills, jump over the moon, world series kinda stuff! LOL but im sitting here thinking about my icons! jordan makes fun of me because that is all i talk about to him... but he dosent know that to other people HE is all i talk about lol but oh well. but after tommorow i will have a new holiday to look forward to lol can you guess what it is?....MY BIRTHDAY! yay i will be a teenager! whoop whoop lol im a little hyper. but really its not that cool... poeple would freak out because they are turning into a teenager and im sitting here like.... im already a woman! i really dont care about being a teenager and what suprises THAT brings... no one told me about how you became a woman.... I KNOW NOW and have known for about a year and a half now LOL but imma go visit my friends site... LOVE YA!