May 01, 2003 12:30
Hmm, don't even want to look at what I'm supposed to have done for German tonight. At least I finally got smart (hey, fourth time's a charm?) and took my next (and last! yay!) semester of it pass-fail. It really is not even so much that it's German, I love language, and learning language fascinates me. But the department just sucks soooo much! And on top of everything else, German just seems to be the last thing I really ever want to deal with. Even if it were, like, a fun and/or useful language, like say - what I wanted to take in the first place (Italian, Arabic, or Sign Language), that might help. But no. I got stuck with taking four semesters of German. And like I said, I don't have anything against the language, and I suppose at some point it might be useful, but the weight of the classes are soo out of proportion, too, with the rest of the departments. They're 5 credit classes, whereas everthing else I take is 4 or 3 . . . so a bad semester in German, which has nill to do with my major, royally f***s up my GPA. Grr. Last spring, I think I spoke better German than the rumored-to-be first year grad. student who's emphasis was actually German culture and politics, not even the language itself, who was "teaching" the class. I couldn't deal with him, I wanted to throw him through a wall! (Which says a lot coming from me). There was one guy in the class, an older guy (night class), who actually shushed him to listen to a question I was asking on a particular grammatical concept (the dativ case), because the way I was asking the damn question was actually explaining the base concept better than he was!! GRRRRR! *breathes* anyway. /rant.
But I got my notes for the Survey project typed off and sent off to one of my groupmembers, asking her to pretty-please forward it on to the other, since it appears I've been brilliant enough to lose his e-mail. *shrugs* ah well. I'm actually kinda excited 'bout the project, though. I think it's starting to shape up to something really nifty. *smiles*
And like I said to Sb the other day, I figure, in 2 1/2 weeks time, the semester - for better or for worse - will at least be over. And then maybe I can actually get on with my life. *nods* 'k. I'm done stalling now. I'm gonna go work more.