monday -> sunday
Perspective test, epic fail. (Nissa)
I miss SouKazu. My brother (the traitor!) tells me that Terra He might be eclipsing Fafner as his favourite anime. D:
Random sketches of Bernelli. I think I might be getting the hang of her. Also, Gavin/Bernelli is cute.
Colour test, random girl.
Test of the style to use on (the tentatively-named) watercolour winter.
So last, last week when I said the dailysketch would be sparse I really meant "nonexistent" so I've actually skipped a week. If anyone noticed. On the other hand, in that week I started a bunch of fanart projects I haven't finished yet, as well as the 6hr comic thing, so I guess updates will dribble out. Slowly. Sloooowly.