
Jan 01, 2020 00:00

Friend or defriend as much as you please.

This blog is pretty much dead, as is my motivation to do art, as is my life, as I am waiting for yanno, as you do when you're Old and Useless. I'm aware that the Photobucket images linked here are all blocked every day of the month due to the PB bandwidth changes but it's too much trouble to change everything, so if you're looking for anything all the art here is mirrored somewhere on either DA or either of the llyse or hnmimorlyo tumblr accounts. Feel free to contact me if you're looking for something you can't find, I'm still alive (for now :3).


main tumblr | shiny things tumblr | former fandom/now hiatus tumblr | former main/now hiatus tumblr

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