{re: daily sketch} week 5

Feb 20, 2012 01:18

ery ery ery ery what are you doing

Finished DRRR. Verdict: nothing makes sense, those people really need to actually communicate with each other, it is a mystery why anyone ever believes anything that falls out of Izaya's mouth, Shinra is a bag of dicks (a creepy bag of dicks!), Celty and Shizuo: motorcycle buddies, somebody wants to be the little girl, and I wound up shipping Celty and Anri.


This is deeply unfunny. I am so, so sorry.

It is also the only reason I am even interested in Hunger Games, sadly.

Steam had Cave Story+ on sale for Christmas/New Year's. Mostly for the remastered soundtrack and Curly Story lulz. And so:


HxH 335: All My Feels. Togashi sure likes pulling the rug out from under my expectations.

Catching up with P4a so woop. Research suggests that the name Naoto is correlated with androgynous smoking hotness.

It's the longest week! Okay so I may have fallen off the wagon some. Again.

This entry was originally posted at http://llyse.dreamwidth.org/107761.html. Please comment there using OpenID.

*original, *art, +o: ruesquared, ++drrr, the stupid better not be contagious, *fanart, ++persona 4, ++hxh, ++mspa: homestuck

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