This time, I mixed the families a little bit. Paioslives together with Linda!
Some money came to Linda'spocket.
Meeting the neighbour!
I built a small house for Linda, which is ....
her little flower shop!
I really like that a wolf passes by almost every night. I'd love a supernatural one in their family!
After the first preparing time was done, it was time to open up the shop!
Our Her first customer!
She's wearing an uniform! It really suits her :)
Still, there are some difficulties.
That's a curtain.
Time for two.
Maybe three soon? (To be honest, I don't remember)
At least, Ms Evans is expecting her first baby.
So many customers!
Anyways, let's jump over to Minik.
Noo, Minik is already taken.
Close to birth!
Mh, I like that uniform, too!
Guess what friend of Asta appeared ....
Oh look!
A girl called Lotta! And the best is, she has inherited Isabella's red hair and her mother's incredible skin!
With the new baby, there hadn't been much time for Asta.
Work isn't really over when work isn't over.
Really not.
I think this is my favourite photo of this session!
So adorable! What a good combination of the two parents' genes!
That's it already - I hope you liked it! :]