(no subject)

Jun 27, 2007 15:18

Okay, so my apartment has become a KittyFest. The devious Humane Society had a SALE on KITTENS, which, I mean, HOW does one resist that? So, surprise surprise, my roommate acquired another cat. He's a three-month-old white kitten who was supposed to be named Teddy, to go with Franklin (Roosevelts), but it didn't stick and now he's Casper.

This is Casper. And my arm.

Casper and his actual owner. He is such a lap-kitty (really a chest-kitty, but he tries).

This is Franklin, Lauren's other kitty, who will actually get close enough to Casper to be in the same picture.

This one is Mina, and she's mine. She won't come anywhere near Casper unless she's chasing him.

She's okay with Franklin though.

Casper likes computers. This is not always to the computer's benefit.

Franklin has taken possession of my (very pale) foot.

Help, he's eating my head.

Me, looking marginally more normal. And on the phone. With a kitten.

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