(no subject)

Jun 07, 2007 14:46

Um, hi guys.

I've been meaning to update for days now, but somehow I just haven't gotten to it. But here I am!

Summer is...warm. And relatively calm. I've started biking again, but I'm depressingly wimpy at it. Haven't had asthma problems in practically forever and now they've suddenly started coming back, which is boo. Work goes, but I don't get nearly as many hours as I'd wanted. On the other hand, fewer hours mean more time to fret about all the other craziness that's about to happen.

Not sure if I've mentioned this before, but Wes, Amanda, and I are going on a three-week trip through Italy, Greece, and Istanbul. We're nearly done with the planning and only have maybe three hotels left to book, but it's been a ridiculously complicated and long process. I figure it'll all be worth it when I leave on July 10th, though. Or maybe when I finally reach Milan on the 12th.

The other big news of the summer is that I have an address in NYC! It's a furnished one-bedroom apartment in CLS housing, for which the rent is nearly three times the rent of my two-bedroom in Bloomington. Not a surprise, but the fact that I had to get my debit card's limit increased just to make the deposit does not exactly bode well for dealing with the NYC cost of living. And even though the place is furnished, I have so much crap to buy/sell. (Um, anyone want to buy my car?) I'll be flying out on August 8th to sign the lease and my parents will follow by large vehicle with all my stuff the next day, which is incredibly cool of them, especially since I haven't a clue what the place looks like or what kind of space I'll have. Not to mention that having an actual address kind of makes the whole moving thing real and now I'm freaking out a little...

Aside from those big things, the last month or so has revolved mainly around watching tv, petting cats, geeking about the 2008 elections, and getting thoroughly sucked into a fandom I swore I'd never enter (spockette, this is all your fault). I seriously intend to post more, though level of inanity may increase with level of frequency. We shall see.

How're the rest of y'all doing? (Gotta get all my Midwesterner out in the next month or so...)
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