MRAAA! I need to write some Halloween stuff before the month completely gets away from me!
I'm gonna try to utilize my Netflix account and watch some scary movies to get into the Halloween spirit and hopefully get inspired to write some Slayers Halloween stuff. If you've got any movie recommendations then feel free to give them!
I've been thinking about one of my favorite Halloween movies The Shining and what would happen if it took the form of a Slayers parody. Val could be Danny, Filia could be Wendy (*opens mouth to make a comment* ... *closes it*), but... well... I couldn't really see Xellos being Jack. Maybe *visually* but not in a story. And MIGAWD now I can't get the image of Val croaking "Red rum!" out of my head.
As for my other favorite The Exorcist... well, I've probably made all the Exorcist jokes I need to in my Summer Nights oneshot: Exorcism.
And then there's the Slayers Era thing to worry about... I was kinda thinking of testing the waters by writing a Holmesish Zelgadis detective oneshot... but... well, I'm hardly an expert on Victorian England. Am stretching myself to figure out a time period that I *am* an expert on... there's always research... but not much time to do it in and other things take priority. *sigh*