Welp. I'm back home! I'm feeling pretty crappy from the flight... just sorta off, ya know? And my ears are still blocked. But I'm just glad to be home, see my kitties, eat real food again, and have a little privacy.
Also my Associates in Arts came from the College while we were gone! Nice surprise :)
I'll be finishing up this week's chapter of A Little Opposition and should either have it up tomorrow or tonight since I made ya'll wait and I might want to put it up a little early. I've had some ideas for Summer Nights entries and I want to work on a try or two for the challenge over at #sea-of-chaos on DeviantArt. But considering I'm just trying to get back on track this week, I might wait until the weekend. It depends on how easy the new chapter of Diplomacy comes. And that's not as certain as I'd like it to be.
Fandoms: Bleach, Pokemon, The Princess and the Frog, Slayers, & Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle