I wrote my
Slayers-Discworld crossover. I diverged from my original idea, but that's a good thing since my original idea was kind of stupid. I've never actually written for Discworld before even though it's the biggest influence on my writing. This is just meant to be kind of a fun thing which should be evident in the amount of crap Xellos has to take from old ladies.
I really agonized about writing it last night. I was all like "My stomach hurts! I don't feel like it! It's gonna suck!" And then I just did it anyway. And I don't think it sucks. So that just goes in as another example of my favorite rule of writing: Stop being a bitch and just do it.
Unfortunately with the amount of Physics crap I've got to do, I probably won't have time to write another Summer Nights entry this weekend like I wanted to. ...Or if I do it'll be to the detriment of my schoolwork... which is entirely possible.
I checked a Sherlock Holmes collection out of the library as a sort of warming up to get ideas for the Zelgadis-Seyruun-Mystery story I want to plan at some point.
Also Diplomacy has 100 reviews! Woo! Thanks all!