Here's the second installment of my notes on Slayers Try. YOU KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS? It means screenshots + whatever asinine comments popped into my head as I was watching the episode.
-Lina says that a change has come to "the continent centered around Seyruun". Considering that a handy political map of the lands in the barrier from KanzakaDex shows that Seyruun is just one of several countries in the area, I'd say we're continuing the geographical awkwardness highlighted in my episode one notes.
-Group picture before hunger collapse.
-Y'know, I know their hunger madness is generally pretty exaggerated but... 7 days is pretty bad.
-Zelgadis also likes to stare dramatically over the helms of boats. Dramatic staring is his hobby! Also, he’s remarkably cool-headed for someone who hasn’t eaten in about a week. I get snappish if dinner’s half an hour late, myself.
-I was thinking that if they got to the point where they had to resort to cannibalism then I really wouldn't want to be Amelia. Obviously they wouldn't chose Zelgadis on account of the fact that he'd break their teeth. Gourry I'm nixing for being "too stringy". And as for Lina? Well, who do you think would resort to cannibalism first?
-“There’s no way we’re going to die here. …That’s what I’d like to say, but who knows?” DANG YER GLOOM, ZEL. What do you lose by providing a little hope and comfort?
-Has the phrase "ship of fools" entered anyone else's mind at this point?
-I guess they can thank their lucky stars that Zelgadis at least has survival skills. In fact, Zelgadis is admirably resourceful in this season.
-…Okay, I get that the birds can lead them to land, but the land is LITERALLY ALREADY IN VIEW. Couldn’t you guys have just looked off into the distance? Is that asking too much? Zel, how did you miss this when you were spending all that quality time staring into the distance? Forget what I said about you being resourceful.
-FOOOOD!! What could Zelgadis possibly be pouting about?
-...And we have the first appearance of our main villain! ...Also, isn't it funny how Gravos seems so much easier to take seriously in his first appearance?
-OH MY GOSH JILLAS! I freakin’ LOVE Jillas! And the late great Addie Blaustein’s voice! “Gimme all your loot!”
-Seeing some Outerworld differences... they've got cannons... and some kind of crazy ostrich thing.
-Bandits are coming! Everyone run around with your arms in the air screaming! This is the prescribed course of action!
-Apparently Jillas is not the most adept long-beaked ostrich rider.
-They’re breakin’ stuff, stealin’ stuff, and… SEXUALLY ASSAULTING PEOPLE?!
-And just like always, Lina and company have stormed their way into the plot.
-Jillas, it’s rude to sniff people.
-I don’t know how Gourry got up on that… dramatic platform stave in the ground thingy (oh, they’re the wooden supports of the ship) in his weakened condition.
-Zelgadis! Use Headbutt!
-...Do you ever start to feel bad for the bad guys?
- “Catch” Jillas says, and Gourry does it (wit his mouth) thinkin’ it’s food. Do you ever think Gourry might have some dog somewhere in his ancestry? I mean… we got the loyal thing… and the stupid thing. (Someone should check if his leg twitches when his belly is rubbed. Then I think the whole thing’ll be iron-clad)
-Bombs aren’t commonly known about on the continent? I mean, I understand that they have magic, but they seem awfully dependent on it.
- …Does it bother me that they’re not at all troubled by Gourry’s flaming (possible) corpse? A little, yeah.
-Oh come on, Zel. You gotta admit your form has some benefits.
-Zel’s down for the count, but Amelia’s got ‘im. I guess he MUST BE PART OF THE ATTACK.
- *sigh* I think NEXT had much better commercial break images than TRY does. …Though Zel does make a pretty cool rock star (bet he doesn’t get finger calluses). Also, "rock" star? HUR HUR.
-Aw. Lina and Gourry have a Lady and the Tramp moment. Isn’t that… sweet?
-Why isn’t Zel eating with them? DAMN IT ZEL. You haven’t eaten in a week! EAT SOMETHING YOU ANOREXIC CHIMERA!
-I think this is a new high for food-combat. …Or low depending on your perspective.
-I try to tell myself that Zel must’ve at least had a sandwich off-screen before focusing on the ever important task of map-making.
-I want to know more about the Desert of Destruction. Just sayin’. Maybe ya'll know. I am not a Slayers expert by any means.
-It’s a bird… it’s a plane… no! It’s… Filia!
-Now THERE’S our implied nudity magic-girl transformation scene (we can actually see the outline of her pointed ears under her stupid hat. I’m a girl, so that’s where I was looking. I don’t know where you were looking. Perv.)
-Yay! Impromptu tea party! I wonder how she carried around all that delicate china without it breaking?
-Poor expositionless Amelia.
-I love Filia, I honestly do. But I often wonder why she was the one they entrusted with this task especially since she said she’s still not used to taking human form (though it seems to be her preferred form as with the elders at the temple). I’m not doubting that she has qualifications, I'd just like to know what they are. It probably has to do with power levels or something.
- “I’ve heard that it’s an easy thing for high level dragons to perform.” I wonder. Does high level indicate species or is it on an individual level? Because I’ve only seen golden dragons do it.
-Shout out to Milgazia!
-The fact that, of all the Darkstar weapons, only one of them appeared in the land within the barrier implies that the Outer World is much bigger which seems consistent with what I've seen to me. I just wonde how much bigger it is.
-Query: perhaps “brilliance beyond the dawn” refers also to a lost holy spell in the same way “darkness beyond twilight” does?
-Oh, so only mankind struggles between good and evil. I totally believe that.
-Everything’s getting too serious. SPIT TAKE!
-What a sweet smile Filia’s giving while handing Lina a threat. Remind you of anyone?
-Wow. Lina’s crying. Luna must be horrifying. I don't honestly know that much about her (not that I think there's *much* out there to be known). Not an expert, remember.
-The journey to the temple of the Fire Dragon King begins!