Jan 24, 2012 19:18
So, I have not been feeling at my best lately. I think I've got a sinus infection or something so I've generally been a coughing, sneezing, dripping sub-human for the last couple days. The good news is that whatever I've got has at least so far been on the lighter end of my winter bacterial woes. The headaches and face pain are there, but they're not to the point where all I can manage to do is lay on the couch. I'm functioning, however gross I may be right now and I haven't felt the need to go to a doctor. Still... I really hope I get better soon because this week and the next are busy busy...
I've got a short essay due on Thursday, my magazine articles due next Monday, and my big paraphrase project and the essay that goes with it due next Friday. I haven't done nearly as much work on these things as I should.
It's a shame, because I'd like to write more. I was glad to be able to get a Summer Night's oneshot done this weekend--first of the year! I'd really like to get back to Diary, but I think between my not feeling well and the schoolwork I've got to do, it'll have to languish for awhile. Hopefully not too long.