It was an absolutely beautiful day to go to the orchard today and I had a lot of fun! We got all sorts of treats, including, but not limited to: apple cider doughnuts, autumn beauty and honey crisp apples, apple cider, caramel apple flavored taffy, and chocolate peanut butter fudge. I love fall!
...I better enjoy this moment while it lasts. My
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Part One:
Xellos always wins at Candyland.
Xellos and Filia sing karaoke.
Gourry's efforts to form a boy band are thwarted when he and Xellos are unable to convince Zelgadis--the only one of the three of them with musical talent--to join.
Filia and Xellos go to a parent-teacher conference.
Amelia is asked to perform her princessly duties and kiss a frog.
Due to a large real-estate acquisition, Xellos is now Filia's landlord.
Xellos tries to get Milgazia to give him advice on how to go about wooing a dragon girl
The spell calls for the lifeblood of an unspoiled virgin. So… which one of you is it gonna be?
Part Two:
Xellos does not make good girls go bad whatever he may tell you.
Filia angrily informs Xellos that it was only funny the first time.
Filia learns that you should never let Xellos book a vacation for you.
Filia and Fem!Xellos. You fill in the blanks.
Writing is always a better use of time than studying for class!
Nice to see Jillas make a cameo in one of them two. The most underrated character in the Slayers fandom world.
in it.
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