Salsa is Good (this title has nothing to do with the post below)

Jun 15, 2011 13:58

I'm sure I meant to make an entry before this... if only to update with some new graphics because it's been awhile. But I keep getting sidetracked! I'm glad to say I have been writing this summer--I thought it would take awhile before I got my mojo back, but I think I have enough mojo to push forward. Next thing I hope to finish will be the next chapter of The Kingdom of Illusions--after that, probably some oneshots and then back to work on From Now On. It's a merry-go-round of fanfiction!

The second vignette collection was very fun to write, particularly the first and last vignette which... I admittedly wrote one after the other. I just put the other stuff in between because I didn't want it to be Xellia followed by Xellia. One of these days I'll probably write a set that's entirely Xellia... most of my prompts are Xellos and/or Filia related anyway, so it's probably inescapable. My one sorrow was that I couldn't think of a good name for Jillas's action movie. Oh well.

I've got so much that I want to do this summer and a lot of it is entirely frivolous... but sometimes frivolous is fun :)

Oh, and I got my grades for this semester as well: A, A, A- (Why is it always the lowest grade that you work the hardest for?)

Enough rambling! There be graphics!


Fandoms: Pokemon, Slayers, & Yugioh GX



yugioh gx, pokemon, slayers, graphics, fanfiction

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