Finals Info

May 10, 2008 11:56

I just took my final today for English and stayed until I had the results. I got an A! Hurray! My teacher says I should take honors classes next year so I'm going to ask my counselor about that during our meeting on Friday.

I've still got three more finals to take. I've got one in Graphic Arts 1101 on Tuesday and a Geography final (also on Tuesday). Then I just have my Graphic Arts 1102 final on Thursday. I'm not too concerned about Graph 1101 because my teacher already showed me the grades and I should pass it easily. I think I'll get an A, or at least a B.

Geography's a little more up in the air because there are very few assignments and I haven't done spectacularly on the quizes. I think it'll turn out decent though. I should be okay in Graph 1102 as well because I always get A's on assignments. The problem is that I've missed a couple of projects due to being sick and this teacher doesn't let you make it up. But the class has like...a million points in it so I should still be okay.

The real pain is that I can't drive, so on Tuesday I'll probably finish all my finals at 1 pm and have no one to drive me home until around 4 pm. What I'm planning to do is take the bus downtown and hang out there. It's better than being stuck in the school. I have barely any money, but I could always hang out at the Library or the Barnes and Noble.

So...keeping my fingers crossed!

(Note: My sister and I have been working on the idea of doing a webcomic for some time and we're finally getting somewhere with it. I want to get a bit more together, but I've already made a few promotional wallpapers for the series. I'll be posting some up soon ^^)

finals, school, webcomic

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