Mar 23, 2011 20:57
...I usually try not to do two entries in one day, but I couldn't wait!
Silly Slayers Prompts: Yet Another Edition
Due to a large real-estate acquisition, Xellos is now Filia's landlord.
Filia goes to a Lady Gaga concert.
Xellos tries to get Milgazia to give him advice on how to go about wooing a dragon girl
Val wants to get a tattoo and Filia is mortified.
Amelia is asked to preform her princessly duties and kiss a frog.
Gourry chokes on an overlarge meatball.
Xellos gives Zelas a Mother's Day gift that she does not really appreciate.
The entire Seyruun castle staff receives sensitivity training on how to treat Zelgadis.
Lina realizes that not everything should be deep-fried.
Zelgadis can catch a bullet with his teeth.
Gourry competes against a mysterious, talking book for Lina's attention.
Having lost her last spare garter/mace holster, Filia must go lingerie shopping.
silly slayers prompts,