Oct 30, 2012 10:39
So glad and thankful to be seeing so many messages this morning from people saying they're alright.
I am feeling very happy right now that I don't live any further east. Here we got wind and rain, but compared to what people closer to Sandy's path had, I know how easy we had it. Our power went out just after 5pm, affected 4000 homes in our area. We got power back right around 11pm.
The trickiest thing was trying to heat up dinner on our bbq, since the wind (gusts ~90 km/h) kept blowing it out. But I guess this is where our postage-stamp backyard comes in handy, cause Geoff was able to shelter the bbq from the wind long enough to heat our food.
The cats did not approve, of course, and would like to make it known that this sort of thing is not proper or allowed. Gus was crazier about it than Callie. Callie mostly just thought that upset routine should equal constant food time, and was very displeased when this didn't turn out to be so. Gus went bonkers jumping all around the house in that four-footed straight-legged back-arched jump. Too bad it was dark everywhere, cause that would have made a really funny video. Poor stressed kitty. Too much wind to listen to, and flickering candles to watch, how's a cat supposed to sleep? He did eventually conk out on my lap.
Anyway. All I did last night by candlelight was play cards and hangman, and read, so now today I have even more to do before leaving for TO tomorrow. Meep. Better get to that.