(no subject)

Jun 27, 2009 14:43

Those are nets below the trees where in November they wait until the olives fall off the trees to harvest.
Here we are in beautiful and old Corfu Greece. It is an island off the mainland of the west coast of Greece and Albania. We did a panoramic tour around the island. Our guide said there were 4 MILLION olive trees on this island alone and I can believe it. They also have many almond trees as well and profit from those two agricultural products but most of their income comes from tourism. The town was pretty much destroyed by Nazi bombers in WW2 but has been rebuilt. Our passports were taken last night supposedly due to the officials wanting to look at them since we were in a non-EU country before this one, but found out today that heads of state are here for a meeting today and the police are out in mass numbers, so guess who is here when we are---(Hilary supposedly).

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