May 31, 2005 18:21
yeah so u havent updated in forever. but today i walked to coutrneys with alex. we had to collect pond scum. i waited behind the fence cuz there coulda been snakes back there. yeah and then we went back to her house for a little. saw a spider, took us several attempts to kill it. courtney insisted on throwing her soda can tab at it so it would die. shes a retard but we love her all the same. then alex had to walk me all the way home from courtneys. i had no idea where i was. then she had to walk all the way back to alys house. haha. alex is my hero. so we have the pond scum. without getting attcked by snakes, which is always good.
-finals are coming up soon
+summers almost here
+my birthdays next month but curts is this month
-lots of homework this term
+i love the boy
+my italian skin is finally going to work cuz the suns comin out so i get to get tannn whoohooo!
okay so thats life for now, i was going to get rid of this thing but i guess i wont. ..